Top 5 Children’s Books

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1. Super Kid Asks Scientist Answers

Top 5 Children's Books Ảnh chụp Màn hình 2021 06 09 lúc 5.15.29 CH

This adorable science book for kids brings together 100 questions about everyday life from students around the world to scientist Robert Winston. The book shows us children’s general curiosity about the world around them through questions collected from children in the United Kingdom, other European countries, Canada, the United States, India, China and the United Kingdom. Japan. The questions revolve around different aspects of science, covering major topics including the human body, physics, chemistry, space, the natural sciences, and the Earth.
“Why is the sky blue?”, “Why are the stars twinkling?”, “Why does water bubble when it boils?” or “Why do we sweat when we exercise?” Children observe the world around them and are always questioning their concerns. This is something that adults cannot easily do.
100 questions are intelligent and interesting observations of children with their curiosity and rich imagination. All questions are answered clearly and vividly. Super kid asks – scientist answers will surely bring a world of fun, funny, interesting science, satisfying the curiosity of young scientists.

2. 10 thousand questions why

Top 5 Children's Books Ảnh chụp Màn hình 2021 06 09 lúc 5.17.39 CH

Childhood is the most beautiful time in everyone’s life. At this age, it is always full of hopes, dreams, and innocence in the early morning. Standing in front of the world with so many miracles, with curiosity, a desire to learn, the most common saying in children is “Why?”. To be able to correctly answer children’s questions is not an easy task. Studies show that the fastest development of a child’s brain occurs at the age of 13 or earlier, as a parent, when you do not give your child the opportunity to think and learn, you may have to be very grateful. hate! Today’s world is developing rapidly, the treasure of knowledge is limitless, always being renewed at a breakneck speed.
Also derived from the above thoughts, the book series Ten Thousand Questions Why gives them answers according to each topic they are curious about such as the universe, the earth, humans, the natural world. Nature, society, science… The book uses easy-to-understand language, combines with vivid illustrations, will give children basic knowledge, contains rich content, and broad overview of knowledge. traditional knowledge, helping them to be happy, comfortable and confident to move forward on the path of future success.

3. Sowing Seeds With Great People

Top 5 Children's Books Ảnh chụp Màn hình 2021 06 09 lúc 5.20.06 CH

Sowing Seeds With Great People is a series of books that develop deep thinking for children through Great People stories and Cause and Effect situations. If you know how the Cause of the actions done today will lead to the Results in the future, it will be easier for you to self-regulate your perception and behavior.
From there, I know what is right and what should be done, and what is wrong and should be abandoned. Thinking Cause – Effect will help children form a moral personality early in their children. Great people are examples with full of Ethics – Intelligence – Willpower to nurture children’s dreams, ambitions, and righteous ideals of life. Having love for Great People, children will learn the good character of great people, they will be stronger, more meaningful and deeper. Causal thinking and the Great Human example will nurture personality + intellectual development for children.

4. The Little Prince

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About a lonely little prince from a distant asteroid to visit and then leave Earth, The Little Prince is considered one of the most poetic works of all time. To date, this work of Saint-Exupéry writer, born in 1943, has been translated into more than 300 languages and has published more than 140 million copies around the world. The simplicity and clarity that permeate the work have made Little Prince an immortal poem that people will forever want to give as a gift of love.
Saint-Exupéry’s classic book is now republished by Dong A with the author’s own illustrations in a translation by translator Vinh Lac, a translation that is loved by many readers for its emotional language and introspection. shining.

5. The Story of the Cat that Teaches the albatross to Fly

Top 5 Children's Books chuyen con meo day hai au bay tom tat

The Kengah albatross was submerged in oil scum – dangerous waste that evil people secretly dumped into the ocean. With a desperate effort, she flew into the harbor of Hamburg and landed on the balcony of the big, fat, ebony cat Zorba. In the last minute of her life, she gave to an egg, and minute ebony cat promised her three birth impossible promises to cats:
Don’t eat eggs.
Take care until it blooms.
Teach your seagull to fly.
A cat’s promise is also the responsibility of all cats in the harbor, so Zorba’s friends include the prestigious Colonel Cat, the agile Secretario, the erudite Einstein, and the experienced Four Seas. worked together to help it fulfill its responsibility. However, taking care of and teaching a seagull is no joke, there will be hundreds of problems that arise and need to have flexible plans that are carefully discussed…
The story of the cat that teaches the seagull to fly is a children’s masterpiece by the famous Chilean writer Luis Sepúlveda – author of The Old Man Loves Reading Love Stories, which has sold 18 million copies worldwide. The work is not only a warm, pure and cute story about animals but also conveys a message about responsibility to the environment, about sharing and love as well as the meaning of efforts – “Only those who dare can fly.”
The book that kicks off the summer with cute, funny illustrations is a gift for every child

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